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ACMV/Berlin Collective Concert Exhibition Music Photobook Photography Slideshow


slideshow and exhibition on books /
Slideshow und Ausstellung um das Fotobuch

Opening / Slide-Show & Live-Musik: 21. Juni 2013 um 22 Uhr
Musik von Roland und Julia, Gitarre und Violine
Galerie geöffnet ab 21.00 Uhr

Exhibition / Ausstellung: 22. Juni – 28. Juli 2013
Öffnungszeiten: Sa 16-20 Uhr  So 14-16 Uhr

exp12 Galerie
Berlin / Greifswalder Strasse 217 / 10405 Berlin (mehr …)

ACMV Festival Photography

Actual Colors May Vary’s talk in Belfast: „On My Mind – Spectacle and Photography“

Actual Colors May Vary {ACMV} has been invited to the Belfast Photo Festival 2013 to give a talk about „Spectacle and Photography“ on June 9th 2013. Now we uploaded the accompanying slides of our talk to Slideshare in case you’re interested to know what we were talking about. Thanks again to curator Peggy Sue Amison and Festival Director Michael Weir for their kind invitation. (mehr …)


ACMV Postcard Set

The art of the handwritten letter is rapidly drifting into obscurity – help rescue it!  ツ

Our Postcard Set gives you the chance to make 7 special people extremely, insanely, exuberantly happy – with a more or less extensive hand-written note to your granny, ex-lover, mailman, current lover, grumpy neighbour, science teacher, tax collector, bus driver, …

7 is a lucky number… therefore each Set contains 7 (identical) Postcards with the ‚Pink Pony‘ Motive, by Maxwell Anderson. Thanks, Maxwell! (mehr …)

Crowdfunding Feature Photobook Photography

Kate Nolan | Neither

Neither (2009-2012)

The view of this faded garden explodes my mind and I get paralyzed, I have no clue how to move two legs, let alone a thousand. — Natasha

Neither is an exploration into the hearts of young women in Kaliningrad. The first generation to have grown up after the collapse of the Soviet Union, they look to define their identity in this small ‚island‘ within Europe. The women I have been living with and sharing with have generously opened up their homes and their minds to allow me to better understand this link between place, identity and history. (mehr …)