Angezeigt: 61 - 70 von 217 ERGEBNISSEN
ACMV/Berlin Exhibition Photography Solo Exhibition

Lea Golda Holterman | Identity

Opening: 28th of September, 8 pm.
Exhibition: 28.9. – 9.11. 2013
pavlov’s dog / raum für fotografie / Bergstrasse 19 / 10115 Berlin

In mathematical logic the term identity is one of the fundamental truths that is not questionable: A=A. Every object is identical with itself. But once you leave the field of mathematics, the term identity starts to become ambivalent. Every person is searching for his or her identity and life seems to be one relentless attempt to become that certain someone that one is truly meant to be. (mehr …)

ACMV/Berlin Artist Talk Exhibition Group Exhibition Guided Tour Lecture Photography Phototalk Round Table discussion

SIEBEN | Graduate Thesis Exhibition / Abschlussausstellung Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie

Opening: 25 Oct 2013, 7pm
Exhibition: 26 Oct – 08 Nov 2013
Uferhallen Wedding / Uferstr. 8-11 / 13357 Berlin

The 2013 graduating class of the OSTKREUZSCHULE für Fotografie in Berlin would like to invite you to this year’s thesis exhibition, SIEBEN, 26 October – 08 November at Uferhallen Wedding.

Twenty-five unique photographic series have evolved under the faculty committee of Prof. Ute Mahler, Sibylle Fendt and Thomas Sandberg — all within the long-standing tradition of the OSTKREUZSCHULE, with its emphasis on the interplay between documentary and fine art photography. (mehr …)

ACMV/Berlin Exhibition Group Exhibition Photography

POST | Aus­stell­ung der Absol­ven­ten der Post­gra­du­ier­ten-Klas­se der Ostkreuzschule für Foto­gra­fie

Aus­stell­ung der Absol­ven­ten der Post­gra­du­ier­ten-Klas­se der Ostkreuzschule für Foto­gra­fie

Eröffnung: 2.10.13 ab 19 Uhr
Kunstquartier Bethanien (Projektraum), Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin

Clara Bahlsen | Sarah Diekmann | Erica Ann Flood | Kaja Grope | Monika Keiler | Nadine Loës | William Minke | Rebecca Sampson | Anne Schwalbe | Franziska Taffelt

Am 2. Ok­to­ber 2013 eröff­net die Aus­stel­lung „Post“ der ers­ten Post­gra­du­ier­ten-Klasse der Ost­kreuz­schule für Foto­gra­fie im Ber­li­ner Kunst­quar­tier Betha­ni­en. Die foto­gra­fi­schen Arbei­ten, betreut von Prof. Ute Mah­ler und Robert Lyons, sind bis ein­sch­ließlich 7.10. 2013 im Kunst­quar­tier zu sehen. (mehr …)

Exhibition Festival Group Exhibition Photography

Jean Curran | Neither Here Nor There

To be exhibited at the 20th Annual Noorderlicht Festival
as part of 20|20, A world of photography
The Old Sugar Factory
Groningen, the Netherlands
From 1 Sep – 13 Oct 2013

Sirius Arts Centre in Cobh, County Cork Ireland was invited to be one of 20 international organizations included in the exhibition, ‘20|20, A world of photography’, taking place at the 20th Annual Noorderlicht Festival in Groningen, the Netherlands.
Sirius Arts Centre’s Director, Peggy Sue Amison was invited to present the work of one Irish photographer, unknown outside his or her own country who exemplifies photographic developments in the region. Peggy Sue selected Dublin based photographer, Jean Curran and her work Neither Here, Nor There for this important international event. (mehr …)

Feature Photography

Yvette Monahan | The Time of Dreaming the World Awake

The Time of Dreaming the World Awake is a portrait of a place, a landscape of possibility.

This photographic body of work is based in a small region in Southern France.
It centres on the story of Bugarach, the ‘magic’ mountain. Bugarach was somehow connected to a Mayan prophecy which indicated that the world as we know it, would end on December 21st, 2012. The prophecy claimed that this date would mark the beginning of a new era for humanity, a new and sublime future. Bugarach was to be the first bastion of this modern Arcadia. (mehr …)

ACMV/Berlin Exhibition Group Exhibition Photography

2Φ3 (zweinulldrei) | Abschlussausstellung der Neuen Schule für Fotografie Berlin, Teil I

Erster Teil der Abschlusspräsentation der Klasse von Marc Volk.
First part of the graduate show by the class of Marc Volk.

Mit Arbeiten von / With works by Anni Jeroch, Dirk Hoffmann, Jennie Schwartz, Jinhwan Seol, Thommy Gebhardt, Ulrike Brase und Yasmin Opielok.

Eröffnung Teil I: Freitag, 13. September 2013, 19 Uhr

Opening Part I: Friday, September 13th 2013, 7pm (mehr …)

Book Feature Film Painting Photography


At the end of the project ‚Someone I Know‘ Stuart Pilkington asked if any photographers would be interested in his next project.

Over 100 photographers replied and each of them in turn was invited to take part in ‚Book Film Painting‚.
The photographers are from Australia, Austria, Canada, Costa Rica, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lebanon, Loa PDR, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, UK and USA.

On 1st May 2013 the photographers were asked to submit a photograph inspired by either a book, a film or a painting by 31st July.
On 2nd August 2013 all the images were uploaded onto the website.

Please take time to look through the site. Each photographer has a link to their website, e-mail and Twitter account where appropriate.  You are encouraged to leave feedback if you enjoy their work. (mehr …)

Feature Photobook Photography

Zhang Xiao | They

Zhang Xiao created They series in over 3 years from 2006-2008 during his time working as a photojournalist in Chongqing city. Chongqing, as the largest and fastest growing city in China, probably represents the most extreme example of urbanization and rapid development in the country. Zhang photographed the people he encountered on his daily travels around the city. The characters in They are the ordinary people in real life – they carry out all kinds of mundane activities in public venues. In Zhang’s images, these ordinary people become the protagonists in the scenes they occupy, often seemingly departing from reality and entering a performance state. These images perhaps reveal some loss of balance and normality caused by the rapid development of modern Chinese society.

“Each of them has their own ordinary life … yet in the images they appear bizarre and absurd, as if they belong to another planet and are completely unique,” Zhang Xiao said.
Apart from its documentary nature, They also reflects the artist’s strong subjective point of view about contemporary life in China: kitschy, absurd, surreal and humorous. (mehr …)