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Kolja Kugler

Kolja Kugler is a native Berlin Artist. In the early nineties Kolja collaborated with The Mutoid Waste Company. They lived, worked and exhibited on the former cold war frontline, Potsdamer Platz, Berlin.

One of the most recognized works of this time is “The Lost Tribe of Mig”- project, an immense installation in the city centre of a Mig 21 fighter plan flying out of a four story building. (mehr …)

ACMV/Berlin Music Photography


Formelwesen at Volksbühne Berlin, Nov 19th, 2010
Photographs © Julia Schiller

The bass drum is inching forward. It is hesitating – stumbles nervously on the spot – immediately it is overrun by sounds unleashed that fill the ear to the brim. The creature sprints on the screen – and suddenly we’re on a melancholically grey trip through a tunnel. Into the silence, the drums are spreading a scenery; gentle and detailed; a proposal for bass clarinet and guitar to fill the scope with their own accentuation. Captivated by the pictures, the music whirrs in the eyes and becomes a true emotion. (mehr …)

© Julia Schiller
ACMV Editors

Julia Schiller

Julia Schiller was born in 1980 and is a photographer and freelance art director based in Berlin, Germany.
Her photographic work has been exhibited (inter)nationally and featured in a range of online publications.
Her design work has received international awards, including a red dot award for excellent design quality.

Together with Oliver Schneider she is the founding editor of ACMV.

All of Julia’s posts on ACMV:

Our joint posts on ACMV:

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Julia Schiller, ACMV Co-Founder & Editor © Jenny Fitz
Julia Schiller, ACMV Co-Founder & Editor © Jenny Fitz
© Oliver Schneider
ACMV Editors

Oliver Schneider

Oliver Schneider, born 1971, lives in Berlin, Germany and studied photography at Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig under Prof. Joachim Brohm.

His photographic work has been exhibited internationally and has been featured in various online magazines. He is working as a freelance creative director, won several international design awards and is co-founder of earthfaves, the social favorite places network.

Together with Julia Schiller he is the founding editor of ACMV.

About my work:

It’s sprouting color, form, light and shadow. A little emotion machine. But my hand and my head are needed to start. In my subconsciousness, I press strange buttons, choose modes and spin wheels. The obvious is boring, but maybe boring is annoying enough to be interesting. Guy Debord said: “Boredom is always counter-revolutionary” and meant that the division of private and work life produced something negative, boredom. In my spare time I love to use this black picture machine, it’s at least one tiny step towards being a creator, not a consumer. The camera is the extension of my mind, my brain, my experience and my eyes, I’m immersing myself in technology but I’m thinking about emotions and time. Maybe I will never see this place again. — Oliver Schneider

Psychedelia from all over the world: Pie in the
Post-Dubstep: →

All of Oliver’s posts on ACMV:

Our joint posts on ACMV:

View the entire ACMV Team

Oliver Schneider, photo by © Julia Schiller
Oliver Schneider, photo by © Julia Schiller
Photobook Photography

ACMV Volume #1 | Sardegna

We don’t see things like a camera does.
We don’t care about a neutral grey.
We are aware of the impossibility of capturing cultures, things, persons or even minds. We don’t think this is working. Let’s stop thinking for a moment.
Let’s stop everything for a moment and taste rich cheese, black wine, bitter honey, soft rocks and green waters.
Oliver Schneider, Julia Schiller (mehr …)