Angezeigt: 151 - 160 von 217 ERGEBNISSEN
Feature Photography

Patrick Joust

Patrick Joust is a 34 year old photographer living in Baltimore, Maryland. Born in the small town of Oroville, California, Patrick has gone back and forth between both coasts of the United States, before settling permanently in Baltimore in 2006 where he works as a reference librarian. The people and places of Baltimore have played a central part in his work, influencing how and where he points his camera both within and outside the city limits. Photography appeals to Patrick for the connections it can create. He finds “analog” photography especially interesting because of its tangible nature and aesthetic, particularly the detail and clarity that can be achieved with medium format film. (mehr …)

Feature Photography

Mahesh Shantaram – Addis Ababa

„Much of my work is personal, experiential, and purely subjective. There is no urgent story that needs telling and the only truth in it is what I make up along the way. My trip to Addis Ababa was motivated by a simple desire to go some place about which I had very little knowledge and start the process of discovery from virtually zero. This series is the result of a quest for the colour of Africa.“

(mehr …)

Feature Photography

Lukasz Wierzbowski

I’m 28 years old, self taught photographer currently living and working in Wroclaw.
In my works I try capture the relationship between the model and the surrounding in its purest form.
Every session is a kind of a journey both for me and my models as I don’t like to plan all the details of the sessions in advance, I like to be inspired by the mood of the place and models attitude. I try to catch the in-between moments giving the photos a kind of movie stills vibe. (mehr …)

Feature Photography

Andrés Medina | El Río

El Río (2011–current)

This project originates in  my need to photograph something alien to me – a strange and far-off place. An approach to the wild and indomitable landscape of a river, the Tajo (Spain). Covering different areas of this river, I try to record pieces of landscape and the profound imprints of human activity on this place. A territory where men and animals meet and relate to each other, giving rise to conflicts of interests and supremacy. I am interested in finding the irrational sense of survival that permeates these lands on the banks of the Tajo river. One can still recognise the struggle that man has always maintained with nature. (mehr …)

Exhibition Photography

Brice Bischoff | Bronson Caves

A Brief Explanation of the Series Bronson Caves

The Bronson Caves are located in Los Angeles‘ Griffith Park and are famous as a stage set to countless motion pictures and television shows. The caves are actually man made and were originally a rock quarry during the early 1900s used to lay streets for an expanding Los Angeles. A hundred years of filmmaking has occurred at the caves imaging events from explosions and gun fights to the discovery of cave paintings. Reflecting on this history, the caves are documented on various formats and film stocks over time as an unchanging landscape amidst a chaotic specter of fictional realities. (mehr …)


disappear | leather handcrafts from Sicily

Whenever Pietro Motisi takes a short break from his photography projects, he is working on the most beautiful leather handcrafts. Under the brand name „disappear“ he offers a variety of gorgeous handmade leather goods such as laptop bags, notebook skins (e.g. Moleskine second skin), portfolios, pocket wallets, keychains – not to forget smart accessories for bicycles (handlebar leather grips, pocket frame bike bags etc.). (mehr …)

Exhibition Photography

Pietro Motisi | The Ebb Tide

Pietro Motisi’s The Ebb Tide“ will have a solo exhibition at the RizHoma.housegallery in Palermo.
The exhibition is curated by Martina Colajanni.
(Bookmark the event on Facebook)

Opening: January 12th 2012, 7 p.m.
Exhibition from January 12-27, 2012
RizHoma.housegallery | Piazza Marina 51, Palazzo Dagnino | Palermo / Italy
Monday – Friday | 4–7 p.m. or by appointment | tel. 3299298792

The Ebb Tide

“They are old ships behind the floodgates,
Lurking in the silt and mire;
Rust on their anchor, mud on their bows,
Their decks unpainted and their sails in rags:
They lean to one side as though arthritis
Had claimed their limbs, paralysed now
They’ve forgotten the sea except when the flood-gate
Lets a hint of the tide reach them. […]”

D. Gwenallt Jones – The Curches – 1959 (mehr …)