just look
without naming or labeling
let your seeing be free from conceptualization _“

just look
without naming or labeling
let your seeing be free from conceptualization _“
Since the beginning of the French Presidential Campaign 2012, Pascal Fellonneau has been documenting election posters in Paris.
I like doubles, like mothers and daughters, or sisters or reflections.
This represents my research into women’s identity… I am interested in fixing that instability.”Lise Sarfati
Lise Sarfati – She
3 February – 17 March, 2012
Brancolini Grimaldi, London
Green installation (ivy leaves covering on plastic net and metal wire; moss bed, pine trees, strawberry plant), video, soundscape, by Vênus et Milö (2012). (mehr …)
«Reaching The Distance» (2011) investigates the criticalities in the experience of intimacy, by playing with the motif and imageries of women’s portraiture. Focus of the project is on exploring the counterpositions that characterize intimacy and the experience of visual closeness, and on making them visible.
Extreme closeness is uneasy and charming at the same time – just think of that of love, both romantic and parental. Experience, and therefore memory, are also characterized by a counterposition: they can be punctual and reliable, but also uneven and subjective. (mehr …)
This series of 58 digital photographs was shot on bicycle commutes in Paris, France in Spring 2011.
This work is dedicated to the anonymous designers of European tour bus graphics, who have embraced an underappreciated art space and made it their own. (mehr …)
‚The Blame‘ taken from the recently released MU.ZZ.LE.
More Info: http://warp.net/records/
Director: Neil Krug
Domestic Drift is concerned with everyday life – the ordinary activities, states of mind and conditions of existence that fill time outside the moments of drama and spectacle. It examines the sense of ordinariness inherent in the repetitive, habitual work of home while trying to appreciate the experience as simultaneously mundane and precious. (mehr …)
The Switzerland of America (2010) challenges the notion of a true visual representation of a place. The collection of images that makes the project was taken in the state of New Jersey. (mehr …)
With these portraits, I am interested in uncovering a facade of identity. It is fascinating to consider the intricate variety of traits that we as individuals choose, or unconsciously adopt, in creating the persona that appears to be our “identity.” (mehr …)