April 21 – June 9, 2012
Kantstraße 149, 10623 Berlin (mehr …)

April 21 – June 9, 2012
Kantstraße 149, 10623 Berlin (mehr …)
„From the drifting islands„ represents the situation of Tokyo after the earthquake in Japan.
Since that day, surprising disperse from the authorities and the center is silently going on in the depths of this big city. We no longer believe in any official authorities.
On the other side, it seems that people now feel that things after ‚3.11‘ are different from what they were before, although we are leading as quiet a life as before. We, perhaps, have a bad premonition that full-scale calamities will start to fall on us in no distant future. (mehr …)
„A world of revenge, honor and glory. Enter the vision of José Luis Abalo. A native of Venezuela, he devoted his photographic efforts to the documentation of Lucha Libre – Mexican and South American wrestling. His photography manages to be humorous, dark, and startling in the same moment.
His photo-book, Luchadores, will be a ticket to the front row of a wrestling match that will surprise you in its ferocity.“
—Donovan Ortega
By pre-ordering the „Luchadores„ photo book, you can support the publishing process of José Luis Abalo. (mehr …)
„Callum Ross’s untitled images give nothing away whilst telling us everything we need to know.
The places that feature in the West series evoke our curious desire to know where the places are:
west… west of where? The answer is not important in that these are less about places and more about the events occurring within the landscape. What is most apparent about these images is their transience of their sense of this is really one moment in an ongoing succession moments. (mehr …)
„On November 23rd 1980 at 7.34 P.M. the earth shook for ninety seconds in the Irpinia valley, an area of the Campania region in Italy. Ninety seconds to kill 2.998 people, tear the house away to 280.000, change the geography of the lands and produce illusions that where rapidly deluded: the area, among the poorest in southern Italy, saw suddenly interrupted the already difficult process of development. More than thirty years after the event that marked a “before” and “after” in the south of Italy’s history, Michela Palermo chose to weave her personal story with that of this land.
My Broken World (2011) is a tale told through images of a world that has crushed into pieces, of a land crossed by deep cracks and unsewn tears, of the suspended lives of who was stuck in a motionless time.
My Broken World is a view on the unexpected results of an earthquake that shook the earth like a revolution: broadening horizons, liberating energies, creating new networks, discussing certainties. (mehr …)
I didn’t sign up for this is a project based around recovering from an illness. I developed blood clots on the left hand side of my body and many were close to my vital organs. I fell ill while I was on holiday in Berlin and the language barrier meant at times, it was impossible to ask for help. Whenever I would hear footsteps approaching my room, I would always think that it was someone coming to tell me bad news. Being away from home, I grew fearful of my surroundings in the hospital and this project is a result of me returning home to Ireland with a fresh outlook on things and rediscovering my environs and also my personal relationships with my partner, family and friends. (mehr …)
citybirches is a photographic portrait series by photographer and musician Stephan Laackman, focusing on „Alternative Rock Bands“ on tour. (mehr …)
My work is a visual diary, exploring historical events and memories, mixed with fictionalized stories. The body of work I present you, titled “The Heads”, is an opportunity for the viewer to wander through my psyche, using mirrors, reflections, and at times seeming aquatic, in an attempt to lead the viewer down a path that is ultimately their own.
(mehr …)
My photographs are about a particular process of observation which I acquired during adolescence. As a child, I was afraid of confrontation, so as a way to escape difficult mental and physical situations I had designated hiding zones located throughout the house and yard where I could disappear. (mehr …)
Moses is described in the Torah as the most modest man who ever lived. My father was the second most. He thought of himself, and wanted others to think of him, as simply ordinary. Perhaps that inspired me to often depict him as Everyman.” — Max Ferguson
These paintings will be part of a Max Ferguson’s 13th solo exhibition, „Painting My Father„, at the Hebrew Union College Museum in Greenwich Village, One West 4th Street, NYC from April 16 – June 29, 2012. (mehr …)