Angezeigt: 1 - 2 von 2 ERGEBNISSEN
Feature Photobook Photography

Maxwell Anderson | Stop Making Sense

Stop Making Sense is a series of ever so slightly awkward images, which sit between the lines of peculiar anomaly and quotidian normality. Each photograph is a second look at what we may take for granted in our visual everyday lives. Sometimes simply documenting the ‘hidden in clear view’ oddities of things as they exist, and sometimes looking closer at specific details, recontextualising certain aspects of things outside of the ‘whole picture’. (mehr …)

Feature Photography Solo Exhibition

Toru Ukai (鵜養透) | From the drifting islands

From the drifting islands represents the situation of Tokyo after the earthquake in Japan.
Since that day, surprising disperse from the authorities and the center is silently going on in the depths of this big city. We no longer believe in any official authorities.
On the other side, it seems that people now feel that things after ‚3.11‘ are different from what they were before, although we are leading as quiet a life as before. We, perhaps, have a bad premonition that full-scale calamities will start to fall on us in no distant future. (mehr …)