Our friends at SMBHmag have a brand-new responsive website – check it out sometime! They also have a new call for entries for the upcoming ISSUE 16 „Accident & Emergency“. Deadline is March 1st, 2014. For all further details please visit → www.smbhmag.com/submissions
SMBHmag Issue 14 – The Mountain
ACMV Contributor Enrico Smerilli is featured in SMBHmag Issue 14 ‚The Mountain‘!
Barry W Hughes | Steer Against Motions
‚Steer Against Motions‚
Long before telescopes we witnessed the movement of celestial bodies, which Ovid and others recorded in ancient mythologies. Figuratively and literally, the meteors that fell to Earth gave us a better understanding of our place in the universe. For centuries now we have used lens based technology to view outwards, into the cosmos, so it is with irony that we now use that same technology to look down on ourselves from where we once imagined gods to do so. (mehr …)
You Are Here – Call for Entries by SMBHmag
SMBHmag is inviting all photographers living in countries different from where they were born to participate in a new exhibition for the PhotoIreland Festival (Dublin, Ireland, 1 -31 July).
SMBH Magazine | ISSUE #10 At Night
Issue #10 „At Night“ of SuperMassiveBlackHole is out now!