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Book Signing Event Fair Festival Photobook Photography Presentation Print Magazine

POLYCOPIES Book Market on the boat Concorde Atlantique in Paris

PARIS, a boat by the river, a coffee shop and a terrace, and 35 photobook publishers from all over the world!

These are some of the ingredients Polycopies has mixed together hoping to create a book market with a festival-like atmosphere. This first edition of this « salon des livres » is taking place on the boat Concorde-Atlantique below the Musée D’Orsay.

During four days, running parallel to the Paris Photo fair, these 35 publishers will bring you a large selection of newly published books, organizing numerous meetings and signings with photographers.

Bateau Concorde Atlantique
Berges de Seine – Port de Solferino
75007 Paris (mehr …)

Award Exhibition Group Exhibition Photography

POPCAP ‘14: Outstanding African Photography

The international photography competition POPCAP is pleased to announce the winners of the 2014 edition. The award aims to foster interest in and support for contemporary African photography.

This year’s winners – from The Ivory Coast, South Africa, Belgium, The Netherlands and Democratic Republic of the Congo – were chosen by an international panel of judges via an online judging process. The winning artists will have their works presented later this year at seven exhibitions in Europe and Africa.

POPCAP ‘14 The Winners

Joana Choumali | Hââbré, The last Generation, 2013–2014
Ilan Godfrey | Legacy of the Mine, 2011–2013
Léonard Pongo | The Uncanny, 2011–2013
Steketee & Blankevoort | Love Radio, 2014
Patrick Willocq | I am Walé Respect Me, 2013

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