Angezeigt: 31 - 40 von 40 ERGEBNISSEN
ACMV/Berlin Exhibition

» Zwielicht «

Nach dreieinhalb Jahren Studium zwischen Analog und Digital, zwischen Licht und Schatten, Dunkelkammer und Druckraum zeigen die Abschlussklassen von Marc Volk und Bertram Kober ihre Arbeiten im Forum der Neuen Schule für Fotografie. Passend zum Titel „Zwielicht“ wird die Ausstellung in zwei Teilen präsentiert.

Photography Shortcut

Armando Alvarez

Armando Alvarez is an artist who has been photographing his surroundings for as long as he can remember. His photographs have been described as greedy, sarcastic, and somewhat the equivalent of a cross between Duke Ellington and Bad Brains. He makes no apologies for these descriptions. He prefers the slow, arduous process of shooting on …

Exhibition Photobook Photography Shortcut


I don’t even like cars especially, but I can relate to these two photographic projekts about them. The first one is a series „Vector Portraits“ (1989-1997) by Andrew Bush, who took shots of people driving in their cars by 50 to 75 mph around Los Angeles. Maybe the relation of the owners to their vehicles …

© Chris McCaw | SUNBURNED
Feature Photography


Photographer Chris McCaw uses a huge self built 20×24″ camera to actually burn the sun`s path into vintage photographic paper. He starts before sunrise, takes off the cap of his old, radioactive lens that was used in the 60ties for military aerial purposes and leaves the camera open for a few hours. The surface of …


„Die Fotografie ist am Ende“

Interview mit David Hockney,1518,389005,00.html „Fotografie ist ganz gut. Aber nicht gut genug. Viele Jahrzehnte lang haben wir gelernt, so zu schauen, als seien wir eine Kamera. Weil wir auf die Wirklichkeit nur noch mit Kamera, Digitalkamera und Handykamera schauen, fangen wir an, wie eine Kamera zu schauen. Wir sehen nur noch Bilder, die aussehen, …

Exhibition Photography

destroying the laboratory for the sake of the experiment

„Atlas Gallery presents a ground-breaking exhibition exploring synergies between words and images, which will dramatically transform the gallery into a multi-media experience including photography, poetry and live performance. ‘Destroying the Laboratory for the Sake of the Experiment’ is a collaboration between Magnum photographer Mark Power and award-winning poet Daniel Cockrill.“ {text © art daily}