On Saturday, December 6th from 5-7 pm pavlov’s dog Berlin will present the first series of editions with works by:

On Saturday, December 6th from 5-7 pm pavlov’s dog Berlin will present the first series of editions with works by:
Ralf Schmerberg | augenscHmERZ pavlov’s dog raum für fotografie, Bergstraße 19, 10115 Berlin Eröffnung: 20. Februar 2014, 19h Ausstellung vom 21.2.2014 – 29.3.2014 Es gibt keinen Schmerz ohne Herz, kein Licht ohne Finsternis, keine Angst ohne Hoffnung, und umgekehrt.” Als Ralf Schmerberg vor zwanzig Jahren mit dem Filmemachen begann, entschloss er sich gleichzeitig, keine Auftragsfotografie mehr …
Since publication of the first issue of Der Greif 5 years ago, seven issues plus two special issues plus a first book have been released, featuring the work of about 600 international artists. In order to celebrate the five-year existence of Der Greif, there will be a release tour for anniversary issue 7.
Opening: 28th of September, 8 pm.
Exhibition: 28.9. – 9.11. 2013
pavlov’s dog / raum für fotografie / Bergstrasse 19 / 10115 Berlin
In mathematical logic the term identity is one of the fundamental truths that is not questionable: A=A. Every object is identical with itself. But once you leave the field of mathematics, the term identity starts to become ambivalent. Every person is searching for his or her identity and life seems to be one relentless attempt to become that certain someone that one is truly meant to be. (mehr …)
Opening: 25 Oct 2013, 7pm
Exhibition: 26 Oct – 08 Nov 2013
Uferhallen Wedding / Uferstr. 8-11 / 13357 Berlin
The 2013 graduating class of the OSTKREUZSCHULE für Fotografie in Berlin would like to invite you to this year’s thesis exhibition, SIEBEN, 26 October – 08 November at Uferhallen Wedding.
Twenty-five unique photographic series have evolved under the faculty committee of Prof. Ute Mahler, Sibylle Fendt and Thomas Sandberg — all within the long-standing tradition of the OSTKREUZSCHULE, with its emphasis on the interplay between documentary and fine art photography. (mehr …)
Opening: 27th of June, 7 pm. Exhibition: 28.6. – 27.7. 2013 pavlov’s dog space for photography / Bergstrasse 19 / 10115 Berlin
It is common knowledge that the things people dispose of can tell a great deal about their former owners. So it seems that every pile of bulky waste is also a carrier of manifold information of a no longer existent interior space and about the people who once lived in and arranged it to their taste. Ralph Schulz has become a master in deciphering this fragmented and scrappy information.
Ralph Schulz picks up the piles of bulk waste and takes them into his studio only to re-build the pieces of furniture, carpets, plants and other things into a complete room again. At the end of this reconstruction process is the creation of the space and how it may have looked in its original version. For the reconstruction process Schulz only uses the pieces from one pile of waste. By imagining how the former owner of the things would have arranged the room, Schulz tries to build an authentic reconstruction – despite knowing that it will always be hypothetical. But through the photographic reproduction of the interior, which imitates the sculptural process of reconstruction, a seemingly realistic level is added to the model of the room: When regarding a photograph it is imminent that the viewer immediately imagines to find a true reality in the depicted space as this is the notion of photography. However, Schulz‘ work is not only a melancholic study of no longer existent spaces but also a reflection on the character of photography. (mehr …)
Pavlov’s Dog, Berlin
Opening: Friday, 25th of January, 7pm
Exhibition: 26th of January – 23rd of February 2013
Pavlov’s Dog Berlin is pleased to announce the first solo exhibition of photographer Stéphane C. in Germany, „Si rien ne s’oppose a la nuit“. Stéphane communicates immediate world issues from a photographic point of view based on the idea that,
reality is an ambivalent structure, a mental frontier between things, an undefined border separating concrete and elusive fields of materiality and the invisible.
For the first time, the European Month of Photography Berlin is offering a portfolio review. It will take place in the Berlinische Galerie at the conclusion of the festival on 24 and 25 November 2012.
May 11 – June 23 2012 Pavlov’s Dog, Berlin „I spy with my little eye something that you cannot hear“