Angezeigt: 1 - 5 von 5 ERGEBNISSEN
Artist Talk Book Signing Call for Entries Collection Event Exhibition Fair Guided Tour Lecture Performance Photobook Photography Phototalk Projection Reading Screening Workshop

The PhotoBookMuseum Expo at Carlswerk Köln-Mülheim | August 19 – October 3, 2014

  • The CarlswerkEdition: 19. August – 03. October 2014, Cologne-Mülheim
  • OpeningWeek: 19. – 24. August 2014
  • PhotokinaWeek: 16. – 21. September 2014

During the course of the Photoszene Festival, on the 19th of August, The PhotobookMuseum has a grand opening. It will be the first museum in the world that is dedicated to the medium of the photobook in all its facets. (mehr …)

Photography Print Magazine

romka magazine #7

…is out now!

Since 4 years the independent photography magazine has been offering a platform for photographs that really mean something. People from all over the world submit their favorite pictures and tell the stories that lie behind them. romka is a collective photo album in which both amateurs and professionals archive their memories. The readers are encouraged to submit their own favorite photographs to participate in the ongoing project.

Issue 7 collects the most treasured pictures of 58 photographers from 21 countries, ranging from Japan to Belgium and Argentina. No difference is made between amateur hobbyists and renowned photo artists. (mehr …)