Triennale Jeune Création 2013 – Luxembourg et Grande Région 14 Mar – 28 Apr 2013 CarréRotondes / 1, rue de l’Aciérie / 1112 Luxembourg / Thu 14-22, Fri-Sun 14-19

Triennale Jeune Création 2013 – Luxembourg et Grande Région 14 Mar – 28 Apr 2013 CarréRotondes / 1, rue de l’Aciérie / 1112 Luxembourg / Thu 14-22, Fri-Sun 14-19
Cemento is a photographic project realized with the intention to build a map; it is a work about Sicily made as a path of sensations and perceptions with an eye on the relation between the space and the identity of its inhabitants.
The assumption of this project is to create, quoting the Italian photographer Luigi Ghirri, a ‘zig-zag’ path in which nothing has to be precluded and in which the photographer has to follow his perceptions. That has to be made in order to find/create a track to follow inside a given space, no matter if it is physical or conceptual, and from that track let emerge some of the peculiar characteristics of the secular relationship that links humans to this territory. (mehr …)