Léa Habourdin « Cahier de Doléances » & « Book of Possibilities »
exp12 / exposure twelve, Greifswalder Straße 217, 10405 Berlin
Opening: March 7, 2014 at 7 pm
Exhibition: March 8 – April 6, 2014
Opening hours: Sat 4 – 8 pm / Sun 2 – 6 pm
Man is an animal that can turn toward his own helplessness. “ *
The French photographer Lea Habourdin presents with “ Cahier de Doléances “ and „Book of Possibilities “ two of her works in the gallery exp12. Her work is about the tension between the instinctive, innate behavior of animals and humans‘ social behavior which is determined by the rules of rationality within our society. (mehr …)