Angezeigt: 11 - 20 von 39 ERGEBNISSEN
Feature Photography Solo Exhibition

Callum Ross

„Callum Ross’s untitled images give nothing away whilst telling us everything we need to know.
The places that feature in the West series evoke our curious desire to know where the places are:
west… west of where? The answer is not important in that these are less about places and more about the events occurring within the landscape. What is most apparent about these images is their transience of their sense of this is really one moment in an ongoing succession moments. (mehr …)

Ryoji Ikeda | data.anatomy [civic] (photograph by Natascha Becker)
ACMV/Berlin Art Exhibition

Ryoji Ikeda | data.anatomy [civic]

data.anatomy [civic] is a new audiovisual installation by the acclaimed Japanese artist Ryoji Ikeda, arising from a unique collaboration with Mitsuru Kariya, the development leader of the new Honda Civic. Exhibited as a 3-screen video projection, data.anatomy [civic] immerses viewers in an intricate yet vast audiovisual composition derived from the entire data set of the …

Feature Photography

Pamela Condell | Inversion

Created: March – June 2011, Berlin, Germany.

Recently, the continued theme in my work is built around the domestic and the structure of life within a home, the physical nature of the interior and exterior/human interactions and relations/memories/possessions, etc. Home to me is many things, banal and everyday but always of the utmost importance. We all experience moments within our individual contexts of home or family, but do not necessarily share them beyond the physical construct of our own setting. There is an unspoken curiosity to see how others have these moments. (mehr …)