Hot Boxing The Cockpit from Beppo Albrecht on Vimeo. Video produced at the University of Applied Science HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd by Miriam Bröckel and Beppo Albrecht. Shlohmo on Facebook.
Kolja Kugler
Kolja Kugler is a native Berlin Artist. In the early nineties Kolja collaborated with The Mutoid Waste Company. They lived, worked and exhibited on the former cold war frontline, Potsdamer Platz, Berlin.
One of the most recognized works of this time is “The Lost Tribe of Mig”- project, an immense installation in the city centre of a Mig 21 fighter plan flying out of a four story building. (mehr …)
System – Drk (live version)
[pro-player width=“700″ height=“360″][/pro-player] © 2011 Rump Recordings
Jahmiga – Porque Te Dub
[pro-player width=“700″ height=“505″][/pro-player]
Sprutbass – Ulykke
Sprutbass – Ulykke from Video Marsh on Vimeo. Sprutbass – Ulykke, Directed by Video Marsh, Cinematography by Nic Brown and David James, Edited by Nic Brown. From the album Dødpop: A’s & B’s.
Anton Corbijn – inwards and onwards
Exhibition at Foam Amsterdam Official opening: June 23 2011, 6 pm
over and out
GLUE @Schau-Fenster, Lobeckstrasse 30, Berlin Freitag, 24.06.2011, ab 20:00 kuratiert von DAG over and out Über lange Distanzen( und nicht Sprünge) wird hier hoch konzentriert gearbeitet. In den sieben Positionen versammeln sich Aufbruch und Rückzug. Klar! geordnete Flugbahnen auf denen sich deren Arbeiten bewegen, mehr oder weniger tief ausgetreten, abgerutscht und abgelehnt, sich selbst zu …
Paperwork Explosion
A film the creator of the „Muppet Show“ Jim Henson produced for IBM in 1967, electronic music by Raymond Scott.
new york city – twentyten
Works by Sascha Bausch, Ulrike Brase, Ben Chislett, Linus Dessecker, Alexander Fichert, Katharina Heinrich, Constanze Kratzsch, Zorana Musikic, Sarah Sperling, Nadine Talakovic, Moritz Zeller and Charlotte Zellerhoff. Curated by Thomas Anschütz.