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Artist Talk Event Exhibition Guided Tour Photography Portfolio Review Workshop

PARIS TO PECKHAM: MYOP in London | 21 – 24 MAY 2015

15 exhibitions by
Ed Alcock / Guillaume Binet / Lionel Charrier / Julien Daniel / Philippe Guionie / Pierre Hybre / Olivier Jobard / Alain Keler / France Keyser / Oan Kim / Olivier Laban-Mattei / Stephane Lagoutte / Ulrich Lebeuf / Olivier Monge / Julien Pebrel

Opening Party: Thursday 21 May, 6pm to 10pm
Exhibitions: Thursday 21 May – Sunday 24 May 2015

Coinciding with the inaugural Photo London art fair at Somerset House, Seen Fifteen is pleased to present a four day fringe event, Paris to Peckham: MYOP in London, showcasing fifteen exhibitions by the contemporary French collective, Agence MYOP. All works will be on view in the UK for the first time, following an acclaimed debut at Les Rencontres D’Arles photography festival in July 2014. (mehr …)

Artist Talk Book Signing Call for Entries Collection Event Exhibition Fair Guided Tour Lecture Performance Photobook Photography Phototalk Projection Reading Screening Workshop

The PhotoBookMuseum Expo at Carlswerk Köln-Mülheim | August 19 – October 3, 2014

  • The CarlswerkEdition: 19. August – 03. October 2014, Cologne-Mülheim
  • OpeningWeek: 19. – 24. August 2014
  • PhotokinaWeek: 16. – 21. September 2014

During the course of the Photoszene Festival, on the 19th of August, The PhotobookMuseum has a grand opening. It will be the first museum in the world that is dedicated to the medium of the photobook in all its facets. (mehr …)

Artist Talk Exhibition Festival Group Exhibition Installation Photobook Photography Reading Talk Workshop

One Thousand Books 2014 | Art Book Festival Copenhagen

One Thousand Books Art Book Festival Thu-Sun April 10 – 13, 2014 Carlsberg Copenhagen 28 independent publishers from all of Northern Europe meet up in a supermarket in Copenhagen to sell books, greet their audience face to face and to share ideas and strategies with one another. The isles of the supermarket act as a …

ACMV Spotlight ACMV/Berlin Art Design Exhibition Festival Installation Performance Print Sale Workshop

Druck Berlin | Screenprint festival / Siebdruckfestival

Druck Berlin Festival: 6th-22nd December 2013 / Friday – Sunday / 12-7pm Opening: December 5th 2013, from 7pm Stattbad, Gerichtstraße 65, 13347 Berlin → → – Druck Berlin is a festival orientated around silk screen print. It is the perfect opportunity to gain insight into an assortment of silk screen print methods from …

ACMV/Berlin Photography Workshop

BerlinPhotoWorkshops: Göran Gnaudschun | Hinter den Bildern

Workshop Göran Gnaudschun bietet mit „Hinter den Bildern“ einen Workshop an, der alle zwei Monate stattfindet. „Hinter den Bildern“ richtet sich an Menschen, die kontinuierlich fotografisch arbeiten, die aber für ihre künstlerische Arbeit ein Forum für den Austausch, für neue Einflüsse und für Wegweisungen suchen. Der Kurs ist auch für Menschen, die an einem bestimmten Punkt …