Angezeigt: 51 - 60 von 376 ERGEBNISSEN
Exhibition Feature Photography Solo Exhibition

Sarah Moon | About Colour

Exhibition: 20.02. – 05.04.2014
Michael Hoppen Gallery
3 Jubilee Place, London, SW3 3TD

It is difficult to summarise Sarah Moon’s fantastical photography – almost thirty years of image making has made Sarah Moon a legend in her own lifetime. Well known for her personalised commercial and editorial work since the early 1970s, Moon has continued to investigate a dream world of her own invention, without repetition or compromise. For more than thirty-five years, Moon’s heart-stopping fashion images have bucked every so-called commercial trend, from the need to establish eye contact – it is only rarely there – to the belief that the most alluring fashion photograph must be glossy, even hyper-real.

About Colour’ brings together new, old and unseen works, photographed exclusively in colour. (mehr …)

ACMV/Berlin Exhibition Photography Solo Exhibition

Léa Habourdin | «Cahier de Doléances» & «Book of Possibilities»

Léa Habourdin « Cahier de Doléances » & « Book of Possibilities »
exp12 / exposure twelve, Greifswalder Straße 217, 10405 Berlin
Opening: March 7, 2014 at 7 pm
Exhibition: March 8 – April 6, 2014
Opening hours: Sat 4 – 8 pm / Sun 2 – 6 pm

Man is an animal that can turn toward his own helplessness. “ *

The French photographer Lea Habourdin presents with “ Cahier de Doléances “ and „Book of Possibilities “ two of her works in the gallery exp12. Her work is about the tension between the instinctive, innate behavior of animals and humans‘ social behavior which is determined by the rules of rationality within our society. (mehr …)

ACMV/Berlin Book Signing Exhibition Feature Photobook Photography Presentation Solo Exhibition

Juliane Eirich | Itoshima

Juliane Eirich | Itoshima
Vernissage & Buchpräsentation: Freitag, 28.02.2014, 19 Uhr
(In Anwesenheit der Künstlerin)
25books, Brunnenstr. 152, 10115 Berlin

Juliane Eirich kannte Japan schon von früheren Besuchen, als sie im Sommer 2011 zurückkehrte, um hier zu arbeiten. Aber dieses Mal war vieles anders. Einige Monate zuvor hatte sich die Reaktorkatastrophe von Fukushima ereignet. Die Begeisterung für und die Neugier auf das fremde Land mischte sich mit einem unterschwelligen Gefühl der Angst und der Bedrohung. (mehr …)

ACMV/Berlin Exhibition Photography Solo Exhibition

Ralf Schmerberg | augenscHmERZ

Ralf Schmerberg | augenscHmERZ pavlov’s dog raum für fotografie, Bergstraße 19, 10115 Berlin Eröffnung: 20. Februar 2014, 19h Ausstellung vom 21.2.2014 – 29.3.2014 Es gibt keinen Schmerz ohne Herz, kein Licht ohne Finsternis, keine Angst ohne Hoffnung, und umgekehrt.” Als Ralf Schmerberg vor zwanzig Jahren mit dem Filmemachen begann, entschloss er sich gleichzeitig, keine Auftragsfotografie mehr …

Photography Print Magazine Projection Screening

piK Magazine Issue #05 | Launch at Le Bal Paris

Happy to have been able to contribute to a great print mag – piK Magazine Issue #05, curated by photographer Isabelle Evertse – in the form of a written introduction.

Issue #05 was launched with a screening on January 30th 2014 at Le Bal Paris, and features photographic work by the following artists:

1/ Benjamin Schmuck
2/ Philippe Herbet
3/ Alma Haser
4/ David Favrod
5/ Andrew Miksys
6/ Nick Ballon
7/ Nina Poppe
Preface: Julia Schiller

Last available copies of piK #05 (limited edition of 100 copies) can be purchased here. (mehr …)

ACMV/Berlin Closing Reception / Finissage Exhibition Feature Group Exhibition Photobook Photography

Jenny Fitz | Kammerspiel

For four years, Jenny Fitz, a graduate of the Neuen Schule für Fotografie Berlin, accompanied a young actor for her project Kammerspiel. In her work, the photographer questions the habitus and role-play of people from her social environment.

At first it was curiosity that made me take the pictures, and later the urge to grasp our relationship. It’s a story about boundaries. Getting close. Pulling away. What constantly fascinated me, was the unpredictability with which he confronted me and the camera.“ (mehr …)

Exhibition Feature Installation Multimedia Photography Solo Exhibition

Mark Curran | The Market

…what people don’t understand… is that what happens in the market is pivotal to their lives… not on the periphery…but slap, bang, in the middle…
(From telephone conversation with trader, name withheld, Dealing Room, Investment Bank, London, February 2013

After recent installations in Ireland at both the Gallery of Photography and Belfast Exposed, Mark Curran’s long-term project on the global stock and commodity markets titled, The Market, is now travelling to Paris:

Mark Curran « The Market »
Centre Culturel Irlandais in Paris
Vernissage: 30 January 2014, 6.30-8pm
Exhibition: 31 January – 2 March 2014 (mehr …)