Angezeigt: 341 - 350 von 376 ERGEBNISSEN
Feature Photobook Photography

Zheng Yaohua | Behind

„Few people know what they look like from behind. This book consists photographs selected from my work between 2003 and 2007, might be seen as mirrors in a fitting room.

During the tough process of sequencing, scanning and dust-removing, I repeatedly stared at these portraitures and their fine details, sometimes seeing nothing, sometimes seeing something behind what I was looking at.“
Zheng Yaohua (mehr …)

Exhibition Feature Photography Solo Exhibition

Miriam O’Connor | Attention Seekers

Produced over a period of two years, Attention Seekers are a personal portrayal and playful response to everyday scenes, arbitrary spaces and people encountered by photographer Miriam O’ Connor.

While the ordinary or the everyday are habitually tied up with concepts of familiarity and routine, it is here that O’ Connor discovers infinite possibilities for image making, slicing out its details which petition for attention and assimilate allure. The series is characterised by its fragmentary nature, where the interplay of colour, form, scale and sequencing exhibit ambiguous clues and mischievous impressions of O’ Connor’s voyages into the familiar terrain of the everyday. (mehr …)

Feature Photography

Sebastian Klug | The dissolution of the individual

„I have been working on this photo series with my Nokia 6300 mobile phone for over 3 years now. Most pictures are taken by night or under bad light conditions. It’s only then that I achieve the desired effect of coarseness and picture noise. This work is strongly related to Berlin, its dark streets, dimly lit bars, crowded clubs and, above all, its people. I chose to work with a mobile phone camera for several reasons: (mehr …)