Angezeigt: 11 - 20 von 195 ERGEBNISSEN
Exhibition Feature Photography

Polixeni Papapetrou | Lost Psyche

Opening: Wednesday 29 October 6-8pm
Exhibition: 29 October to 29 November 2014
Stills Gallery Sydney, Australia

Press release by Stills Gallery:
In Lost Psyche, Polixeni Papapetrou portrays emblematic figures that have come to the end of their tradition, their rationale, their place in the world. These intriguing and charismatic characters—the poet, the tourist, the immigrant, among others—bring to life antique Victorian paper masks. Yet, despite being cast beyond our immediate reality, their costumes harking back to earlier times, their settings to fantastical places, these archetypal figures live on in the cultural imagination. (mehr …)

ACMV/Berlin Exhibition Festival Solo Exhibition

Galerie Ori: Constanze Kratzsch | Fiction

Die Künstlerin Constanze Kratzsch hinterfragt in ihrer Arbeit „Fiction“ die Auswirkungen der Genmanipulation an Lebewesen und der Biotechnologie, die an der Erfindung des Kyborg forscht, einem Mischwesen aus lebendigem Organimus und Maschine. Dabei bedient sie sich fabelartigen Wesen, die wie Drohnen im menschenleeren sterilen Architekturraum umher schweben. (mehr …)

ACMV/Berlin Exhibition Feature Festival Group Exhibition Photography

Galerie Franzkowiak | ÜBERGANG. ERINNERUNG

Die Galerie Franzkowiak präsentiert anlässlich des 1. Monats der Fotografie OFF in Berlin die Gruppenausstellung ÜBERGANG. ERINNERUNG.

Eine Zusammenstellung, die sich mit dem Thema des Übergangs beziehungsweise mit dem der Erinnerung beschäftigt. Ein Übergang beinhaltet oft – gerade am Anfang – das Erinnern an das Vorherige. Der örtliche Übergang, der Wechsel von einem Ort zum anderen, insbesondere der von einem bekannten zu einem fremden Ort, intensiviert das Erinnern. Später erinnert man sich anders an die fremden Orte als an die gewohnten, ebenso wie der Wandel persönlicher Umstände sich auf eine ganz eigene Weise ins Bewusstsein gräbt. (mehr …)

ACMV Book Signing Exhibition Festival Group Exhibition Photobook Photography

ACMV presents „Bubble & Scrape“

Update Nov 8: Bubble & Scrape | Vernissage

Actual Colors May Vary {ACMV} is pleased to present photographic works of Ed Alcock, Jenny Fitz and Tom Griggs in the exhibition „Bubble & Scrape“, opening this November in Berlin!
We are delighted that Ed Alcock and Jenny Fitz will be present for the opening, and that Ed will be signing copies of his book Hobbledehoy.
There will also be a DJ set by Barry Burns (Mogwai) from 10 pm.

Bubble & Scrape – Contours of personal utopias

Ed Alcock, Jenny Fitz, Tom Griggs

Opening: Friday, 7 November 2014, from 8 pm – open end
Exhibition: November 7 – 20, 2014
Opening hours: daily 5 – 10 pm
Venue: Das Gift / Giftraum, Donaustr. 119, 12043 Berlin / Neukölln (⇢ Google Maps)
Public Transport:
U8 Hermannplatz or U7 Rathaus Neukölln,
Busses: 140/171/194/M29 Sonnenallee & Pannierstr., or M41 Fuldastr.

Bookmark the event on Facebook

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ACMV/Berlin Artist Talk Event Exhibition Festival Group Exhibition Lecture Photography Phototalk Projection Round Table discussion Slideshow Solo Exhibition

1. Monat der Fotografie-OFF Berlin | 23. Oktober – 30. November 2014

Updates & related articles | Oct 2014: → Monat der Fotografie-OFF Berlin 2014 | Festival program (Festivalprogramm) → ACMV presents “Bubble & Scrape” → Galerie Franzkowiak | ÜBERGANG. ERINNERUNG – Im Herbst 2014 wird auch in Berlin zum ersten Mal ein Monat der Fotografie-Off stattfinden – und Actual Colors May Vary freut sich auf die Teilnahme …

Exhibition Group Exhibition Photography


(If there is place I leave with you)


September 11 – October 05, 2014
LE BAL, Paris

« The highway is a loop. From a starting point, you always go back. Sophie Calle, Julien Magre, Stéphane Couturier, Alain Bublex, Antoine d’Agata, here they are, five artists who have hit the road in response to LE BAL’s invitation and with VINCI’s support. Looking for a story, often their own. Anonymous and yet so familiar, the highway became their creative land, their intimate playground. For all of them and for sure, an invitation to find themselves, to get lost… s’il y a lieu. » (mehr …)

ACMV/Berlin Design Drawing Exhibition Group Exhibition Painting Photography Sculpture

Galerie Franzkowiak Berlin | Eröffnungsausstellung

Galerie Franzkowiak | Eröffnungsausstellung
Vernissage: 5. September 2014, ab 18:30 Uhr
Ausstellung: 6. September – 18. Oktober 2014

Die erste Ausstellung der Galerie Franzkowiak in den Räumen der Togostraße 6 in 13351 Berlin zeigt junge und etablierte Positionen aus den Bereichen Malerei, Grafik, Bildhauerei und Fotografie. (mehr …)

ACMV/Berlin Exhibition Feature Group Exhibition Photobook Photography

Simon Rimaz | Unusual View of Unknown Subjects

Unusual View of Unknown Subjects, 2013

This series is a body of work based on press photographs that have been collected in various newspaper archives in the United States. All images that are published in the press are regularly gathered in these archives where they are marked, numbered and indexed by date or key words. The prints are full of peripheral elements that explain their existence and legitimacy.

From amongst all these marks, I have focused on the indications showing how the image was to be cropped for publication. These “stigmata” are proof of the use of the image and of its transformation. They take the shape of visual (sometimes textual) dialogues between the protagonists who have handled it. Parallel stories in themselves, these annotations are also indications of „that-which-has-been“, a notion that is so fundamental in the history of the photographic medium. (mehr …)

Award Exhibition Group Exhibition Photography

POPCAP ‘14: Outstanding African Photography

The international photography competition POPCAP is pleased to announce the winners of the 2014 edition. The award aims to foster interest in and support for contemporary African photography.

This year’s winners – from The Ivory Coast, South Africa, Belgium, The Netherlands and Democratic Republic of the Congo – were chosen by an international panel of judges via an online judging process. The winning artists will have their works presented later this year at seven exhibitions in Europe and Africa.

POPCAP ‘14 The Winners

Joana Choumali | Hââbré, The last Generation, 2013–2014
Ilan Godfrey | Legacy of the Mine, 2011–2013
Léonard Pongo | The Uncanny, 2011–2013
Steketee & Blankevoort | Love Radio, 2014
Patrick Willocq | I am Walé Respect Me, 2013

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Artist Talk Book Signing Call for Entries Collection Event Exhibition Fair Guided Tour Lecture Performance Photobook Photography Phototalk Projection Reading Screening Workshop

The PhotoBookMuseum Expo at Carlswerk Köln-Mülheim | August 19 – October 3, 2014

  • The CarlswerkEdition: 19. August – 03. October 2014, Cologne-Mülheim
  • OpeningWeek: 19. – 24. August 2014
  • PhotokinaWeek: 16. – 21. September 2014

During the course of the Photoszene Festival, on the 19th of August, The PhotobookMuseum has a grand opening. It will be the first museum in the world that is dedicated to the medium of the photobook in all its facets. (mehr …)