Angezeigt: 41 - 46 von 46 ERGEBNISSEN

Kolja Kugler

Kolja Kugler is a native Berlin Artist. In the early nineties Kolja collaborated with The Mutoid Waste Company. They lived, worked and exhibited on the former cold war frontline, Potsdamer Platz, Berlin.

One of the most recognized works of this time is “The Lost Tribe of Mig”- project, an immense installation in the city centre of a Mig 21 fighter plan flying out of a four story building. (mehr …)

ACMV/Berlin Art Exhibition

over and out

GLUE @Schau-Fenster, Lobeckstrasse 30, Berlin Freitag, 24.06.2011, ab 20:00 kuratiert von DAG over and out Über lange Distanzen( und nicht Sprünge) wird hier hoch konzentriert gearbeitet. In den sieben Positionen versammeln sich Aufbruch und Rückzug. Klar! geordnete Flugbahnen auf denen sich deren Arbeiten bewegen, mehr oder weniger tief ausgetreten, abgerutscht und abgelehnt, sich selbst zu …



Uta Eisenreich just forwarded this project and we would like you to support the initiative Artbomb, an art intervention that expresses the resistance of artists against major cutbacks in cultural funding in The Netherlands and worldwide.

© Andy Warhol / 2008 The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, PA, a museum of Carnegie Institute. All rights reserved. Screen Test: Jane Holzer (1964) 16mm film, black and white, silent, 4 minutes at 16 frames per second
Art Film


I like almost still videos, it’s like adding an other dimension to a photographic portrait, streching the act of taking a picture in time. „L’Enfer“ by Henri-Georges Clouzot is a never finished psychedelic experiment in lighting and movie techniques literally starring a wonderful Romy Schneider. A familiar project is the first officially published DVD by …