Angezeigt: 51 - 60 von 349 ERGEBNISSEN
Exhibition Feature Installation Multimedia Photography Solo Exhibition

Mark Curran | The Market

…what people don’t understand… is that what happens in the market is pivotal to their lives… not on the periphery…but slap, bang, in the middle…
(From telephone conversation with trader, name withheld, Dealing Room, Investment Bank, London, February 2013

After recent installations in Ireland at both the Gallery of Photography and Belfast Exposed, Mark Curran’s long-term project on the global stock and commodity markets titled, The Market, is now travelling to Paris:

Mark Curran « The Market »
Centre Culturel Irlandais in Paris
Vernissage: 30 January 2014, 6.30-8pm
Exhibition: 31 January – 2 March 2014 (mehr …)

ACMV/Berlin Exhibition Group Exhibition Photography


TeilnehmerInnen der Freien Klasse 2012/2013 von Eva Bertram (Neue Schule für Fotografie Berlin) präsentieren den Stand ihrer Langzeitprojekte. Mit Arbeiten von Jenny Fitz, Alex Giegold, Marjola Rukaj, Cina F. Sommerfeld und Markus Ulrich.

Eröffnung: Samstag, 07. Dezember 2013, 17 – 21 Uhr
Ausstellung: 8. Dezember 2013 – 2. Februar 2014
Finissage: Sonntag, 2. Januar 2014, 17-20 Uhr

Opening: Saturday, Dec 7th 2013, 5-9pm
Exhibition: Dec 8th – February 2nd, 2014

Finissage: Sunday, February 2nd, 2014, 5-8 pm

Neue Schule für Fotografie, Brunnenstr. 188-190, 10119 Berlin (mehr …)

ACMV Spotlight ACMV/Berlin Art Design Exhibition Festival Installation Performance Print Sale Workshop

Druck Berlin | Screenprint festival / Siebdruckfestival

Druck Berlin Festival: 6th-22nd December 2013 / Friday – Sunday / 12-7pm Opening: December 5th 2013, from 7pm Stattbad, Gerichtstraße 65, 13347 Berlin → → – Druck Berlin is a festival orientated around silk screen print. It is the perfect opportunity to gain insight into an assortment of silk screen print methods from …

ACMV/Berlin Book Signing Event Photobook Photography Presentation

Michael Hughes „Inside Kreuzberg“ & Lothar Schmid „Squatting in Berlin in the 1980s“

Book presentation / Buchpräsentation
Inside Kreuzberg“ (Michael Hughes) und „Häuserkampf im Berlin der 1980er Jahre“ (
Lothar Schmid)

Präsentation mit den Autoren/Fotografen Michael Hughes und Lothar Schmid, im Gespräch mit Lektor Wieland Giebel, am Mittwoch, 13. November 2013, 19:30 Uhr, im Dachgeschosss des FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museums (Adalbertstraße 95a, 10999 Berlin). (mehr …)

Exhibition Photography Solo Exhibition

René Burri | Impossible Reminiscences

Opening reception, book signing and lecture:
Wednesday, November 6, from 6pm to 9pm; the photographer will be present
Exhibition: Nov 6 – 23, 2013
Galerie Esther Woerdehoff
36 rue Falguière / 75015 Paris – France / tue. – sat. – 2 – 6 p.m.

Press Release by Galerie Esther Woerdehoff (links added by ACMV):
No need to introduce René Burri, the legendary Swiss photographer born in Zurich – his portraits of Che Guevara, Le Corbusier or Picasso are true icons.

However, there is still a lot to discover: Burri, who has been a member of the Magnum agency since 1959 and famous for his black-and-white photographs, always carried along at least two cameras. While shooting in black and white, he would always take color pictures.

René Burri says :

“I have led a double life as a photographer – one in black and white and one in color.” (mehr …)