Angezeigt: 241 - 250 von 349 ERGEBNISSEN
Photography Shortcut

Quick Brown Fox

Quick Brown Fox is a curated blog by Alex Rose, a photographer from Dublin, Ireland. Alex has an interest in the self publishing world and wanted to create an outlet for photographers to produce mini projects away from their normal practice. Quick Brown Fox was the product of this idea. She wanted to see how …

Feature Photography

Patrick Joust

Patrick Joust is a 34 year old photographer living in Baltimore, Maryland. Born in the small town of Oroville, California, Patrick has gone back and forth between both coasts of the United States, before settling permanently in Baltimore in 2006 where he works as a reference librarian. The people and places of Baltimore have played a central part in his work, influencing how and where he points his camera both within and outside the city limits. Photography appeals to Patrick for the connections it can create. He finds “analog” photography especially interesting because of its tangible nature and aesthetic, particularly the detail and clarity that can be achieved with medium format film. (mehr …)

Feature Photography

Lukasz Wierzbowski

I’m 28 years old, self taught photographer currently living and working in Wroclaw.
In my works I try capture the relationship between the model and the surrounding in its purest form.
Every session is a kind of a journey both for me and my models as I don’t like to plan all the details of the sessions in advance, I like to be inspired by the mood of the place and models attitude. I try to catch the in-between moments giving the photos a kind of movie stills vibe. (mehr …)

Feature Photography

Andrés Medina | El Río

El Río (2011–current)

This project originates in  my need to photograph something alien to me – a strange and far-off place. An approach to the wild and indomitable landscape of a river, the Tajo (Spain). Covering different areas of this river, I try to record pieces of landscape and the profound imprints of human activity on this place. A territory where men and animals meet and relate to each other, giving rise to conflicts of interests and supremacy. I am interested in finding the irrational sense of survival that permeates these lands on the banks of the Tajo river. One can still recognise the struggle that man has always maintained with nature. (mehr …)