Actual Colors May Vary {ACMV} is the ideal platform for companies, organisations and individuals wishing to reach a targeted audience that is passionate about photography, art and visual culture.
Whether you want to advertise a single event, or an ongoing program, ACMV’s platform and network provides the infrastructure & know-how, and offers various opportunities for advertisers to sucessfully connect their brands with our international creative readership.
Promote your photography project (event / festival / exhibition / talk / workshop / call for entries / etc.)
within our extensive promotional tools:
- Website
- Newsletter
- Social Media Network: Twitter / Facebook / Tumblr / Google+
Our Stats
Visits: 5.700+
Unique Visitors: 4.500+
Page Views: 18.000+
(monthly average, based on Google Analytics)
Likes: 2.700+
Followers: 900+
+Julia Schiller /ACMV Editor
+Oliver Schneider /ACMV Editor
Followers in total: 33.400+
Followers: 2.400+
Frequency: approx. bi-weekly
Subscribers: 600+
Demographics & Audience
Top 3 Continents: Europe / Americas / Asia
Top 5 Countries: Germany / US / UK / Ireland / France
Top 5 Cities: Berlin / Dublin / London / New York / Paris
Female: 55% | Male: 45%
18–24: 10% female | 7% male
25–34: 22% female | 19% male
35–44: 11% female | 13% male
45–54: 4% female | 5% male
*based on ACMV’s Facebook Page Insights
60% english | 20% german | 20% other (spanish/french/italian/…)
Photographers, publishers, art buyers, curators, creative directors, gallery owners, writers, collectors, and in general enthusiasts with an above-average interest in photography, music, art and (photobook) design.
Advertising possibilities
ACMV offers you a variety of possibilities to advertise your photography related brand, product or event.
Minimum circle time for banners (A), sidebar ads (B) and music channel features (D) is 1 week. Sponsored posts remain on ACMV permanently. Newsletter formats are one-time options.
Rates are available on request.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for individual options on strategic partnerships & exclusive positioning of your brand or organisation, special rates for long-term advertising, or if you would like to discuss different ideas besides the options listed below.
ACMV website
- A) Exclusive Landing Page Banner
Placing a banner ad on ACMV‘s landing page will give your brand the most visibility & exclusivity. Your ad is displayed prominently on the top left side (below ACMV‘s logo), and links directly to an external URL of your destination.
– Availability: 1 landing page banner displayed exclusively at a time
– Formats: 4 available formats, XL / L / M / S
– Width (px): 670 / 495 / 320 / 145
– Height (px): flexible / max. = respective width (square)
exception: XL and L = max. 310 px height
- B) Sidebar Ad
Your sidebar ad is displayed on all of ACMV‘s article pages, and placed prominently in the sidebar of each page in the column „Advertisements/Recommendations“.
– Availability: Maximum of 3 sidebar ads displayed at a time
– Formats: 3 available formats, L / M / S
– Height (px): 200 / 140 / 80
– Width (px): 295 (fixed)
- C) Sponsored [sticky] post
For extensive features of your brand/product or event, a sponsored post on ACMV is the ideal solution – providing you with an entire article page for an in-depth presentation of your subject. Your post may include text, videos and an image gallery. Optionally your post can be made „sticky“ for 1 week, and will thus be held on top of the landing page, before all other regular posts.
– Availability: Maximum of 3 sponsored posts displayed at a time
– Formats: 4 available formats, XL / L / M / S
– Box width (px): 670 / 495 / 320 / 145
– Included: Free feature in ACMV‘s newsletter
– Optional: Image gallery with max. 9 images
– Optional: video implementation of max. 2 videos
– Optional: „sticky“ post feature
- D) Exclusive Music Channel Feature
For musicians ACMV offers an exclusive music channel feature. Your tracks are embedded in ACMV‘s music player (located at the bottom of each page), and can be played while browsing ACMV or the interwebs. A music channel feature is automatically combined with a featured sticky post (see above), introducing the musician/label and providing background infos about your tracks/playlist.
– Availability: 1 exclusive music feature at a time
– Format: ACMV Radio Player
– Tech specs: Playlist from external source (MP3 link, exfm track, playlist from SoundCloud/YouTube or RSS Podcast)
– Included: max. 20 tracks
– Included: simultaneous featured sticky post, format M
ACMV Newsletter
- A) Sponsored post
- B) Banner Ad
- C) Sponsor Logo
- D) ACMV Supporter link
Social media network
- Whenever you book one of ACMV’s advertising options, your topic will be extensively cross-promoted via our social media network on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and Google+.
For rates and detailed information, please contact us (Julia Schiller + Oliver Schneider) via
advertising (at) actualcolorsmayvary (dot) com