Lichtblick School
Tina Schelhorn, Wolfgang Zurborn
Steinbergerstr. 21, D – 50733 Köln
Killing Time in Paradise
Workshop with Harvey Benge
November 23rd / 24th 2013
- weekend seminar: November 23rd / 24th 2013, 10–6 p.m.
- maximal attendance: 12
- English speaking workshop
- Fee for the workshop: 220.- Euro including 19% tax
Harvey Benge is one of the few photographers today whose work deals with both the poetics and the philosophy of photography. Benge journeys through Europe and Asia, and his now more than 50 photo-books, help to further expand our understanding of visual language.
In the workshop with Harvey Benge you will learn about generating visual ideas, followed by the editing and sequencing of the photographs found in life. Finally the presentation of the series in exhibitions or in publications.
Harvey Benge has a wealth of experience in creating and publishing photo books and has exhibited his work all over the world in galleries and museums. With pleasure he will be giving workshop participants inspirational and practical advice for the progress of their photographic practice.
More info and application under:
→ RVSP on Facebook
Das Fotobuch
Advanced Fotobuch Workshop mit Markus Schaden und Wolfgang Zurborn
2./3. November 2013
- Wochenendseminar: 2./3. November 2013, 10–18 Uhr
- Ort:, Körnerstr. 6-8, 50823 Köln, 0221 9252667
- Teilnehmerzahl maximal 10
- deutschsprachiger Workshop
- Workshopgebühr 220.- Euro inkl. 19% MwSt.
Die Fotobuchworkshops mit Markus Schaden haben sich zu einem wesentlichen Programmpunkt der Lichtblick School entwickelt. Zusammen mit Wolfgang Zurborn gibt er hilfreiche Tipps für die Entwicklung von eigenständigen, persönlichen, unkonventionellen und überzeugenden Buchentwürfen. Die Schar der Teilnehmer/Innen, die auch zu den regelmäßigen Follow-Up-Workshops zur langfristigen und vertiefenden Ausarbeitung der Buchdummies kommen, wächst kontinuierlich.
„My weekend workshop was a full success – I’ve met some wonderful and inspiring people who helped me so much with my photo book project. I feel like my creative juice are flowing again! Fun times!“ (Susanne Helmert, Teilnehmerin des Basic Fotobuchworkshops im August/September 2013)
Detaillierte Informationen und Anmeldung zum Workshop:
Image © Harvey Benge, from his recent book project some things you should have told me