LCMV #1 BERLIN — our curated slideshow themed “Berlin” with emerging and established international photographers — took place on Saturday, Nov 2nd 2013 at Das Gift Berlin/Neukölln in conjunction with the annual art festival NACHTUNDNEBEL 2013, and was melodiously accompanied by live music by f.s.blumm.

We would like to say thanks for the huge overall interest, for the magnificent musical accompaniment by Frank Schültge aka f.s.blumm, to all participating photographers, to the lovely folks at The Impossible Project Berlin for their support, to everyone who came by that night & the interesting chats, and to the fabulous team at Das Gift!

We’re exhausted, but happy.. — and excitedly looking forward to LCMV #2!
The final decision regarding the theme hasn’t been made… but it might be “TURKEY”!
For the next edition we are primarily interested in finished series or ongoing longterm projects — and will therefore show a lot less photographers but rather extensive features of each body of work / series instead.
Once again, the final selection will consist both of pre-selected artists and selected series from the open call. Also, we might invite a guest curator for LCMV’s next edition!

We have decided not to publish the entire slideshow of LCMV #1 online.
However, you can find a list of all participating photographers of LCMV #1 BERLIN below, and would like to encourage you to explore their work further!
Selected series will also be featured here on Actual Colors May Vary {ACMV} in the coming days/weeks.

Our thanks again to all contributing artists!

In case you are interested in screening the projection again at your venue (a complete version or parts of it), please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

P.S.: A few of the event posters are still available. If you’re interested simply get in touch with us (lcmv at actualcolorsmayvary dot com) and we’ll send you one (3€+postage).

Julia, Oliver

LCMV #1 BERLIN | Featured artists

In order of appearance / * = pre-selected by us

Set #1 (30min)

Set #2 (30min)

Local Colors May Vary (LCMV)
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Our special thanks for the event photos to Frank Silberbach and Katja Avant-Hard!
Photos #1 + 9 © Frank Silberbach
Photo #6 + 7 © Simone Kieserling
Photos #2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 8 © Katja Avant-Hard


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